The course is best fit for those, who have no experience in body transformation, because you get to learn three techniques for achieving perfect results in one day:
Classic maderotherapy,
Brazilian vacuum maderotherapy and
the Perfectbody method and
you recieve 9 wooden tools for performing maderotherapy.
Why the Perfectmadero 3 in 1 course is so perfect:
You master the technique that creates the forces of compression and decompression on the body and so you create the best results in eliminating cellulite and excess fat.
You recieve our perfect invention for results, achieved in half the normal time – the double roller for maderotherapy.
You get to refresh your knowledge 24/7 in our online academy, where videos guide you thorugh classic, Brazilian and Perfectmadero maderotherapy.
You recieve a detailed protocol for performing maderotherapy and also the knowledge on how to create your own protocols.
The Perfectmadero 3 in 1 course requires you to have a model, on who you have already been training passing on the knowledge about maderotherapy, who you have examined, questioned and consulted and on who you perform maderotherapy. So, we do not lose time spent on other course participants using eachother for learning.
Set of wooden tools for classic maderotherapy
Set of wooden tools for Brazilian maderotherapy
The double roller for elimination of cellulite
The Perfectmadero course live
A step-by-step- protocol
Access to the online academ<
A certificate
Support via e-mail, in person or per telephone
The theoretical part of the maderotherapy course includes:
- Basic classic maderotherapy
- Brazilian maderotherapy
- Perfectmadero
- Individual maderotherapy
- Lifting the glutes
The perfectmadero curse is best fitting for you, if yu do not have any experience in body transformation yet, as the course is fully videotaped and is accessible during practical lessons, until you master maderotherapy, become more self-confident and experienced which enable you to work sucessfully on your clients.
If you do have experience in body transformation, you will upgrade your knowledge and with the help of the Perfectmadero method you will gain more clients, s yu will get to learn classic, Brazilian and Perfectmadero maderotherapy.
Because of the current circumstances the number of course participants is limited, so you need to sign up and settle the cost as soon as possible to secure your spot on the course.
Why is the Perfectmadero 3 in 1 maderotherapy so effeicient?
1. In-depth effect
Perfectmadero uses the principle of the vacuum – high and low subpressure which affects the levels of our tissue in-depth, where fingers or rollers can not reach it. With the helpf of the vacuum the facia is strected, made firmer and elastic – with this, we enable the toxins to be released, to hidrate the facia more and to make it firmer. Teh result is eliminaton of cellulite, a smaller cricumference and a bigger tonus of the skin.
2. Release of the lymphatic and blood capillars
With the help of the vacuum we create low pressure in the cup, which sucks skin into itself and lifts it up – and at the same time we stretch the tissue and enable the lymphatic and blood capillars to release themselves. The result is more blood being derived to the deeper lying, bigger veins, which enables circulation in those areas, which had bad or interrupted bloodflow before.
3. An immediate result
With the help of the Perfectmadero method we increase microcirculation and we increase
4. Reduction of circumference
Witht he help of the cups and the vacuum we achieve extraction of fat from the cell, which then travels to the intercellular matrix. Then, with the help of a special technique, it is transported to the lymphatic knots, or lymph nodes. The lymph nodes’ job is to cleanse the lymphatic liquid, where now we can find this extracted fat. Because the process of detox is sped up, the body extracts all the fat, excess water and toxins thorugh secretion and sweating. The result is a few centimeters less circumference in the area, where Perfectamadero was applied.
That is why we achieve an unbelievable result after just one Perfectmadero maderotherapy session.
The Perfectmadero 3 in 1 course for transforming the body is designed in a way, that you as a
Perfectmadero therapist, after just one day, posess:
1. Enough knowledge
Learning through the web – an online academy. After you sign up for the course
of Perfectbody maderotherapy, you are granted acess to the online academy,
where you can find all the information in form of video. This way you can get
to know the theoretical part and refresh it at the course.
Learning at the course – At the maderotherapy curse we begin with the
theoretical part and then we implement the fresh knowledge into practical
examples on our models.
Knwoledge, written in a book
The Maderotherapy guide
A step-by-step protocol, that guides you through every step of performing
maderotherapy 3 in 1.
2. Enough practical knowledge
Although our course is limited to one day only, we are available to you until
you master the right technique of perfroming maderotherapy, we can offer you
free prectical lessons in our madero centre in Slovenia.
3. Enough experience
Because we have years and years of experience in the field of body
transformation, we believe that you don’t have to learn from your own mistakes,
but you can learn from ours. 🙂 That is why we offer you all our valuable knowledge
during the course and at our online academy, especially the instances where
results were not achieved, when maderotherapy is not the right way of body
transformation and when to deny a client service.
During the course, when you will perform on your model, you will gain
experience on how to achieve a perfect result after just one maderotherapy
4. Unlimited support
So you will be confident from day one on, you are offeren unlimited support after the course, we areavailable for your questions in person, on the telephone or via e-mail. You canalso contact the whole team of madero coaches and other experts around theworld.
The Perfectmadero 3 in 1 course enables you to:
– Achieve perfect results in the shortest amount of time because of precise steps, protocols and technique, so you will work less and earn more,
– Be competetive because of quality of work and results and not a cheap price,
– Have enough time for the things you love doing most, because we have prepared a package for you to ensure you a successful business and perfect results (marketing materials, a questionaire etc.)
– Have enough time for your private life.
We do not require you to have prior knowledge ahead of the Perfectmadero 3 in 1 course, as you are granted unlimited access to all following courses of the same type, so you gain knowledge through experience.
After the Perfectmadero 3 in 1 course you will be awarded a certificate for the completed course, you can open your own madero centre, you can widen your repertoire or you can find work in the beauty industry (depending on local legislation).
Maderotherapy (Perfectbody method) is being taught in beauty schools (vocational and college) around the wold, you can find it in the best hotels and spas and also in 765 beauty salons.
Dates forperfectmadero courses
Because of current conditions the number of course participants is limited, that is why you need to sign up and cover the costs of the registration fee as soon as possible in order to secure yourself a spot on the perfectmadero maderotheray course.
During the course of maderotherapy, we will not just pass our knowledge of the correct execution of technique onto you, we will also share our practical experience with you, which we have accumulated during our 13 years of existence of the Perfect Body centre. We have developed a special questionaire for the first session, which helps you find out if the client is suitable for perfect results and what the client must do too in order to achieve them. During the theoretical part, each participant shows its acquired knowledge on a model, sets up a package, has a introductory discussion with the client, takes photographs and performs a maderotherapy test. Experience showed us that if you follow everything you have learned thorughout the course, you sell 9 packages out of 10 maderotherapy tests.
Because we are aware that time is precious, we have designed the maderotherapy coure in a way, that in a day you can acquire theoretical knowledge about maderotherapy, apply it to a model, have an introductory discussion with them, examine and photograph them and perform the suitable amount of maderotherapy – gain practical knowledge too. Because there is a lot of information given in sucha short amount of time, we have recorded the course on video, which is accessible after the course and serves for refreshing your knowledge.
The Perfectmadero 3 in 1 course requires you to have a model, on who you have already been training passing on the knowledge about maderotherapy, who you have examined, questioned and consulted and on who you perform maderotherapy. So, we do not lose time spent on other course participants using eachother for learning.
Because the number of participants in the group is small, the madero coach can devote himself to each individual participant – this way you can learn the right technique of perfroming maderotherapy after the Perfectbody method.
Because we are aware that teh right questions emerge after we have performed maderotherapy, we are always available to you for all the questions and guidance per telephone or via e-mail.
What the Perfectbody team values most is passing the practical experience that we have gained throughout the years onto our participants, so they will have an easier job finding out why some clients do not produce expected results and why some reach them after just a couple of maderotherapy sessions.
consists of professionals, each being an expert in his/her field. We as a whole are are a group of professionals, that ensures the best results at maderotherapy and that loves to pass this knowledge onto others at the Perfectmadero academy.
persoonlijke trainer
Het team van Perfectmadero bestaat uit een groep professionals die elk een expert zijn op hun gebied.
Het Perfect Body verhaal begon in 2009 toen Maja het Perfect Body Aesthetic Centre oprichtte vanuit de wens om cellulitis te elimineren. Door de jaren heen heeft de perfectbody methode zich ontwikkeld als een geheel van kennis, onderzoek, praktijk en effectieve resultaten.
Barbara is verpleegster, docente en schoonheidsspecialiste van opleiding. Zij combineert haar kennis en geeft deze graag door als docente aan het Novo mesto School Centre, Hogere Beroepsschool, opleiding Cosmetologie. Ze is werkzaam als Madero trainer.
Živa rondt haar studie af aan het College of Services, richting cosmetologie – VIST, en past haar theoretische kennis toe in de praktijk. Živa is gepassioneerd door gezichtsverjonging en heeft haar kennis via verschillende cursussen met succes bijgeschaafd. Na haar afstuderen zal ze haar kennis verder uitbreiden door zich in te schrijven voor een masteropleiding.
Zdenka combineert haar jarenlange ervaring en kennis van gezonde en evenwichtige voeding met haar kennis van maderotherapie. Ze is ook een meester in alle soorten massage (manuele lymfedrainage, klassieke Zweedse massage, anti-cellulitis massage, Tuina-Chinese massage, access bars, kinesiotaping). Zdenka is gespecialiseerd in lymfedrainage en de bedenker van de cursus Lymfedrainage Madherapie. Zdenka is ook lymfedrainagespecialist en bedenker van de cursus Lymfedrainage Madherapie.
Iva is gediplomeerd fysiotherapeute, masseuse, pedicure, verpleegster en schoonheidsspecialiste. Ondanks haar jarenlange ervaring blijft ze zich bijscholen op verschillende gebieden van massage. Ze combineert twee kwalificaties in haar werk, waardoor ze de perfecte Madero Coach en Madero Therapeut is die graag haar kennis doorgeeft.
Iva is gespecialiseerd in het werken met dove mensen.